Piyush Barve

A student working on full stack web development


All Projects

Disposable Mail Check

It is a React based Web application created to check temporary or disposable emails by using the debounce api. It has feature of checking list of emails in bulk or in paragraphs automatically.(It is a Team Anime project we created it in a hackathon)

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Post Your Thoughts

In this Web Application a user can share his thoughts by posting it and other users can Like and comment on the post. This application is created using Express Js server and mongodb database for backend and EJS tempelating , Bulma Css and client side Javascript for front end.

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Employee Data System

In this Web Application a user can add ,delete or view the data of the Employee. It is created using plain HTML,CSS and javascript for front-end and node.js(express.js) and mysql for backend.Their are two versions that I have created one with Firebase (firestore) and one with node.js and mysql.

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QNA Application

It is a simple and basic HTML,CSS and Javascript based static web application that has a some easy questions related to development and also it evaluates points on the basis of users answers.

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Anime Books

It is a Todo type Web application in which user can add , delete and filter out his favourite books names on a well designed interface that is connected to the realtime database of firebase's firestore.It has dark mode functionality as well.

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Google Books Api

You can search information of almost any book that is availaible on google books and can read if any ebook is availaible through this web application which is created by using fetch functionality of javascript that lists all books related to that searched query.

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Login and Registeration System

A fully validated Login and Registeration System created using HTML ,CSS and Javascript for front-end and Node.js. and MySql for backend.I have created three verions one with Firestore ,one with mysql, nodejs and last one with nodejs ,nedb.

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Cloud Animes

Simple web application to add the names and type of your favourite animes on your list of animes so that you can remember them. It is connected with real time database of Firebase's firestore.

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